Monday, November 22, 2010

Disney and the Super Secret Club 33

Okay, so it was probably a little too ambitious to make a trip to Disney with a partially recovered 4 year old and an 8 week old baby. We had made reservations at Disney's super secret and exclusive Club 33 for lunch. Basically, if you are a member or have a special hook up, you can eat at this special members only restaurant and it includes entry to both Disneyland and California Adventure. Lunch was interesting. The food was delicious, but between Jack acting up and the baby being a baby, Bryan and I had to eat separately in effort to not make a scene in front of the other diners. After finishing our secret adventure, we forged on into Disneyland for a few rides and a trip to The MadHatter to buy Jack a new hat. I think it might have been the shortest trip on record, but we all survived! Did I mention, Bryan couldn't find our car and it took nearly an hour to find it and go home? Yikes!

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