Jack spent the night with Grammie and Papa last night and gave Mommy and Daddy a much needed date night. We are always grateful for our alone time together, but end up needing more time with the boy who rules our world. Here are some pics of Jack just being himself. I am always blown away by his sweetness and beauty. This is such a special time in our lives and it is going all too fast. I guess taking pictures is the only way I can cope with saying goodbye to the perfection of yesterday, marvel in the awe of today and greet tomorrow with wonder and anticipation. The gift of parenthood is a mix of the sweetest pleasure and pain the heart can endure...an amazing combination of pride and humility.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Just Jack
Jack spent the night with Grammie and Papa last night and gave Mommy and Daddy a much needed date night. We are always grateful for our alone time together, but end up needing more time with the boy who rules our world. Here are some pics of Jack just being himself. I am always blown away by his sweetness and beauty. This is such a special time in our lives and it is going all too fast. I guess taking pictures is the only way I can cope with saying goodbye to the perfection of yesterday, marvel in the awe of today and greet tomorrow with wonder and anticipation. The gift of parenthood is a mix of the sweetest pleasure and pain the heart can endure...an amazing combination of pride and humility.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
A Jack of All Trades
This morning, Jack and I watched Max&Ruby. It's a cute cartoon about a brother and sister rabbit. They were having a fashion show, so Jack decided that is was his turn to strut his stuff. We started out with his chef outfit, then he decided to add a cowboy hat. Pretty soon we had on a bandanna and a stethoscope. It reminds me of something you might see in a small town where the town vet is also the owner of the local restaurant! He he! Anyways, here are some pics of my cowboy/chef/veterinarian.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Swimming and a kiss for Cookie!
Today Jack got to try out his new floatation suit in the pool. The padding makes him look like he should be in the movie The Incredibles! He got in for just a bit, but was still a little to anxious to relax in the water. It will take some time and soon he will be wanting to paddle around the pool himself. Later, Jack took some time to cuddle with Cookie Monster who is also getting the hang of wearing big boy underwear(Jack took the time to show him how to use the potty today.) After a story, a few kisses and a lot of "Shhh, It's otay cookie"s, he was ready for the rest of the gang to climb aboard the rocking chair. Jack thought it was hysterical to pretend to be mommy and rock all of his babies!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Peanut Gallery
Monday, April 14, 2008
Rhett and Janie come for a visit
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Today is Day Three of potty training. Jack has been successful 15 times to the potty and is doing both #1 and #2! We are so proud of him! We are having to stick close to home in these early days to make sure he stays consistent, so we have been spending alot of time in the backyard. Despite many layers of sunscreen, we are all a little pink around the edges and a bit waterlogged from Jack's turn with the hose! Can't wait to put our little one to bed...I am worn out from all that fresh air and chasing after a toddler who has peed in my closet and my pantry!(Guess there was more than one hose out of control! hee hee) Thank goodness canned goods can be wiped down. Jack has 5 more stickers to get on his chart to get his reward of dinner and rides at Chuck E. Cheese. Wish him (and us) luck!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tinkle Tinkle Little Pee, In the Potty You Will Be!
Today, Jack decided that he was absolutely not going to wear his pull ups, so I took the naked one outside to make sure that we didn't have any unexpected showers in the house. I brought his potty chair outside and what do you know???? HE USED IT! Jack pottied in his chair twice today(we are 2 for 2!) He agreed to wear his pull up for his nap, but already warned me that we would continue his naked day when he woke up. In his words, "Jack big boy pee pee in potty. No diapers!" Amen brother! We will see how long his resolve lasts, but for now I am reveling in the pride I feel that my baby is now a big boy. Here are a couple pics of Jack sitting on the potty in our backyard. Notice....he skipped the light reading and went directly for What to Expect, The Toddler Years!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Lazy Weekend
It's Monday...(sigh)I am wishing it was Sunday morning once again. This weekend was deliciously quiet with much of our time spent sipping iced tea under the umbrella in the backyard. Friday night we treated Jack to dinner at a local hamburger restaurant for some cheeseburgers and onion rings. Such fun to listen to 50's music and watch the servers do line dances to the beat. Saturday was quiet with not much to do. Sunday was more of the same. Enjoying the breeze, listening to music and hanging out in the yard. Our roses and orange jubilees are bursting with flowers and everything is green again. After the boys cleaned the pool, they decided it was warm enough for a dip! I spent the day cooking for my boys(which most of you know I love to do!) I scored a flat of strawberries at the co-op grocery that we belong to for $8, so it was strawberry shortcake for desert. I also made my first ever batch of strawberry jam. As you can see from Jack's expression, it turned out to his liking!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I was going through some photos trying to decide which ones I may use on my upcoming website and I thought I might post a few of my favorites. Some of you may have seen some of them already, but they are too sweet not to share again. After all, what are photographs for if not for a trip down memory lane? Enjoy!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Mommy's Little Helper
Where do I begin? I have been pretty sick the last couple of days and it has been a struggle to keep up. Jack has been a big help. Today, he came to me in the kitchen and told me "Change diaper." I felt his diaper and told him he was dry. Come to find out, he had changed it himself! I found the wet pullup in his closet where his diaper champ used to be! To make matters even worse, I have found him in the pantry before sipping a juice box and eating peanut butter crackers! Guess I am no longer needed as my ever intelligent and independent child can change his own diaper and help himself to a snack. I guess I trained him so well, that my job as Mommy is becoming obsolete. Bittersweet...but mostly sweet!! Here are some pics of our little chef hard at work!
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