Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mommy's Little Helper

Where do I begin? I have been pretty sick the last couple of days and it has been a struggle to keep up. Jack has been a big help. Today, he came to me in the kitchen and told me "Change diaper." I felt his diaper and told him he was dry. Come to find out, he had changed it himself! I found the wet pullup in his closet where his diaper champ used to be! To make matters even worse, I have found him in the pantry before sipping a juice box and eating peanut butter crackers! Guess I am no longer needed as my ever intelligent and independent child can change his own diaper and help himself to a snack. I guess I trained him so well, that my job as Mommy is becoming obsolete. Bittersweet...but mostly sweet!! Here are some pics of our little chef hard at work!

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